The Melting Witch HD – Media Impact Customs wedding fetish booty

The Melting Witch HD - Media Impact Customs wedding fetish bootyTo find more videos from
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Studio:Media Impact Customs
over and she asks if the viewer wants to marry her. She slowly comes closer to the camera, but then some holy water is splashed onto her face. She then moans in agony as she realizes she begins to melt. She looks at the ground and notices that shes getting smaller (the bride slowly sits down on the floor and the camera pans between the floor as the fabric piles up and the bride moans in agony). The melting process begins as she stands up from the sitting position and looks at herself, then toward the camera as she exclaims Oh no! Im melting! She begins to descend to the ground [camera view changes to the bottom of the dress as it begins to pile up] as she exclaims Im getting smaller! My feet are melting away! From there, she continues to descend into the floor, moaning sexually as she goes, and the dress, and cloak begin to pile up on the ground. At some point during the melting process, the camera view should switch between a level full body shot, the floor shot of the dress and cloak piling up, and an upper aerial view of the bride slowly melting into the ground (aerial shots can be achieved with a footstool for the camera person). Once she gets down to her knees in a sitting position her arms retract into her dress so that the sleeves fall with no arms within. After her arms disappear, then her head begins to go underneath the skirt of her dress while the...