Bondage and Tape Gags Have a Strange Way of Making Former Enemies Quite Good Friends! 1080p Version – FM Concepts 1080p Bondage Store gag talk o

Bondage and Tape Gags Have a Strange Way of Making Former Enemies Quite Good Friends! 1080p Version - FM Concepts 1080p Bondage Store gag talk oTo find more videos from
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Studio:FM Concepts 1080p Bondage Store
if they had turned from enmity to romance. In an attempt to satisfy Lanas difficult client, Hazel turned over the card to her; it appears that she was willing to sacrifice because of their strong bond. Hazel also agreed that it would be prudent for her to be found in bondage after Lana disappeared -- how could her employer blame her for losing the card when she was bound and gagged? As the nude couple snuggled together on the bed, the transformation was evident. As a result of their surging emotional connection, Hazel surprised Lana by giving her the card so she could satisfy the difficult client. Hazel was apparently willing to make the sacrifice. In addition to agreeing with her employer, Hazel also thought that she should be found in bondage after Lana disappears because how could her employer blame her for losing the card? It was clear that enmity had turned into romance as the couple snuggled together in bed naked. As the emotional connection between the two of them surged, Hazel surprised Lana by giving her the card so she could satisfy the difficult client; apparently she was willing to sacrifice...