Give Up Control to Sky – Skylar Locke joi mesmerize

Give Up Control to Sky - Skylar Locke joi mesmerizeTo find more videos from
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Studio:Skylar Locke
My heart wants you to be part of my submissive gang right now. I want you to serve through strokes. Is there any acolyte at my feet who is aching to serve, who desires obedience, who would rather be at my feet for a spell than anywhere else? Are you that? Are you not just a sub, but do you want to become one for me? It is my sincerest desire for you to become a part of my submissive gang, to serve through strokes, and to stay in my heart. Can you be an acolyte for me who aches to serve, who desires obedience, who would rather be at my feet for a spell than anywhere else? Thats you? Not only are you a sub, but do you wish to be one? My intention is to have you as one of my submissive gang members, to have you in my heart, to have you serve me through strokes right now. Can I call on any acolytes who...