You're Going to Jerk That Little Thing with Tiny Tweezers (FULL HD) – Tara Tainton submissive sex slave male spanking

You're Going to Jerk That Little Thing with Tiny Tweezers (FULL HD) - Tara Tainton submissive sex slave male spankingTo find more videos from
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Studio:Tara Tainton
ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my gosh! Why, Ive NEVER... hee hee ha ha! All right, yes, I AM a professional. I can maintain my cool. Its just... well, Ive never seen one THAT small. Ive seen small, but... well, yours is MICROSCOPIC! You know what? I have just the thing for you in this drawer here: tweezers! I want you to take the tweezers and jerk your tiny dick for me. Thats it... oh, it slipped out of the tweezers? Well, youre going to have to use them because my fingers are obviously too big to find, let alone hold, your wee penis. Now, jerk that little dicky with my tweezers! Yeah, thats it... yank it...oops, did it fall away again? Geeze, how do you function with that thing? And how am I ever even gonna see if you come AT ALL?? BUY NOW...