AVRIL and SAM – It's a hard life for a pathetic cuckold! (HD) – LICKING GIRLS FEET foot worship cuckolding

AVRIL and SAM - It's a hard life for a pathetic cuckold! (HD) - LICKING GIRLS FEET foot worship cuckoldingTo find more videos from
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better idea. She invited Sam to stay home and mock her pathetic husband. You are to do what we say today, you pathetic nonentity! Sam said as he washed his and Avrils shoes with her husbands tongue. Lucas doesnt like Sams teasing, but continues to obediently follow all their orders. Avril decided to test her husband as a pony, and he now often carries both his wife and her lover on his back. In response to Avrils lovers offer of a date, Avril invited Sam to stay at home and mock her pathetic husband. Sam said, Today, you will be what we say, you pathetic nonentity! and began washing his and Avrils shoes on her husbands tongue. He didnt like Sams teasing, but he obediently followed all their orders. Avril decided to use her husband as a pony, so now he often carries his wife and lover around. Sam, Avrils lover, invited her out to dinner. However, Avril had an...