Showing Off My Newfound Super Strength (FULL HD) – Tara Tainton bare bottom spanking pseudo

Showing Off My Newfound Super Strength (FULL HD) - Tara Tainton bare bottom spanking pseudoTo find more videos from
Tara Tainton
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Studio:Tara Tainton
Length:29 min
a... a superheroine?!? Just this morning I was whining, crying, exhausted, and unable to even build one teeny tiny muscle in my worthless effort to get in shape. In spite of his usual behavior, my bodybuilding roommate left his Olympic barbell in the middle of our gym room, angering me. Is it possible that my tired, dorky, underdeveloped, lazy, out-of-shape, hopeless self could turn into a superheroine in mere minutes? Is it really possible? Earlier today, I was whimpering and whining, exhausted and unable to even develop one tiny muscle in an attempt to get in shape, and it was impossible to believe it. As always, I was annoyed at my bodybuilding roommate for leaving his Olympic-sized barbell in the middle of our gym room. Does it really happen? Will my tired, dorky, underdeveloped, lazy, out-of-shape, and hopeless self be transformed into ... a... a superheroine within moments? Its hard to believe... just this morning I was whining, whining, exhausted, and unable to even gain one tiny muscle in an attempt to lose weight. It irritates me that my bodybuilding roommate left his Olympic size barbell right in the middle of our gym room, just like we always do. Would this really happen? Can my exhausted, dorky, underdeveloped, lazy, out-of-shape, hopeless self be turned into... a... a superheroine?!?! Can it actually happen? In a worthless attempt to get in shape just this morning, I could not even develop one teeny tiny muscle. I was whimpering and whining, exhausted, and unable to even do it. My bodybuilding roommate...