Notorious PIG: My 700 Pound Life Audition Tape – MP4 sd – HFG Multimedia jiggling fat boy

Notorious PIG: My 700 Pound Life Audition Tape - MP4 sd - HFG Multimedia jiggling fat boyTo find more videos from
SSBBW Ivy and Friends
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Studio:SSBBW Ivy and Friends
Length:22 min
of a 26-year-old. He knows that he doesnt have a normal life, but rather that of a lazy fat pig. Notorious tells you about his fat struggles and his weight history as he displays images from a thin time. He shows you an example of what he might eat on a regular basis In spite of being over 700 pounds, Notorious PIG knows hes gone too far. In addition to gaining weight and gluttony, he now finds it hard to perform basic tasks. He is also beginning to worry about his health, too. Notorious knows he doesnt lead a normal life at 26. He lives a lazy fat pig. In addition to showing off photos of a thinner time, Notorious discusses his struggles with fat and his weight history. He shows you what he might eat on a regular basis A celebrity PIG weighs over 700 pounds, and he knows hes done too much. As a result of his gaining and gluttony, hes having difficulty with everyday tasks, as well as worrying about his health. Notorious knows that he has the life of a lazy fat pig rather than...