Jadey & Demi in: The Swallow Corporation Caper: Their GPS is OFF – Let's Hope They Make Contact Before it's Too Late! (Bonus Cut) (HD) – Borderland Bound damsel in brunettes

Jadey & Demi in: The Swallow Corporation Caper: Their GPS is OFF - Let's Hope They Make Contact Before it's Too Late! (Bonus Cut) (HD) - Borderland Bound damsel in brunettesTo find more videos from
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Studio:Borderland Bound
Length:35 min
With the meddlers securely bound and gagged, Gaspare leaves them stashed in one of the. They know the girls have been taken captive – hey. They have much to take care of. Just another of those little bonuses we receive that ever so nice feedback on! Enjoy! After all. They have. The ruse their captors have played on their superiors is just that, and clearly a far more sinister plan is being made for them! It all began when. In fact, they encroach upon the ‘espionage’ level… Hence, they’ve been working the case hard - for a week now and. Having thought ahead, our beauties, in snug business suits and heels, have turned off any trackers on their phones, confident that this outfit can monitor interlopers’ devices… It’s a decision which will now. No sooner has she called it in than she feels cold. They won’t be in the dark forever at the agency and soon enough, they are gonna come looking in the right place for their missing agents! Meanwhile, the girls are hustled through the house and tied up in a back office - gagged as they are, both babes are unable to call for help and must instead spend their time. Right up until that menacing bad guy reveals. The thing is ON too, to add insult to injury, and. Their phones are gone, but if they can just get loose, they might be able to expose this shadowy corporation for exactly what. Uh, good luck with that, Girls, but do have a go! It’s a whole lot of fun for US!! Will they make it, or will they. Oh, HOW exciting, huh? What a fine pair these two...