Flori's Prisonbreak 6K VR360 – Winzlings Shrinking Clips s shrinking fetish

Flori's Prisonbreak 6K VR360 - Winzlings Shrinking Clips s shrinking fetishTo find more videos from
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Studio:Winzlings Shrinking Clips
stick to it. “Hmmm.... not good. Maybe you?” She tastes one of the medium sized men - “Not you.” She picks through her tinies, licking some, biting others, until she finds one she likes – biting his head off and then chewing his body.

“Mmm, okay! I like the taste.” She says, chewing her second victim before eyeing up a blonde woman – crushing her between her molars with a light blush.

One by one, she picks the fragile people... the snacks... from her table – audibly shattering their bones between her teeth.

“Okay... what should I do with you?” She says, sitting on a cluster of tinies that laid on the edge of her table.

Flori notices a few tinies whove wandered away from the rest, and begins walking her fingers across the table towards them, “Ohhhh! Are you trying to run away?” With her eyes showing the purest intentions of evil, she mocks their meaningless effort to escape fate. “Dont run awayyy.” She crawls across the table, not caring about the tinies who are...